
Professor Shaul Chorev

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Professor Shaul Chorev

Rear Admiral, Professor Shaul Chorev, the former Head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations is the Director of the Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center, the wydra division for Shipping & Ports and the Ezri Center for Iran and Gulf States Research, University of Haifa.

As a professor in the International Relations division of the School of Political Science, he is also the Director of the Reuven Chaikin Chair for Geostrategy and head of the M.A. program in National Security and Maritime Strategy in University Of Haifa.
Retired Israeli Navy Rear Admiral Chorev has also held numerous senior positions in the Israeli defense establishment, including: Assistant to the Minister of Defense for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense; Commanding Officer of the Haifa Naval Base; and Commanding Officer of an Israeli Naval Flotilla (missile boats & submarines). He was also the Head of the Dolphin Submarines Project in the German Shipyards (HDW & TNSW) between 1989 and 1992.
Chorev holds a BA in Economics and Political Sciences from Bar Ilan University (1985), MSc. from the United States Naval Postgraduate School (1989), and a Ph.D. from Bar Ilan University in Science Technology and Society (2005). 
Prof Chorev lectures on maritime strategy and Israel defense policy, international security, arms control technology transfer, and innovation system in the defense laboratories.