The first Israeli Underwater Conference

Save The Date!

We are happy to inform you that the first Israel Underwater Conference will be held on the 14th of September 2022 at the University of Haifa, Israel. Registration forms and full agenda will be published at a later stage.

We look forward to hosting an amazing conference!

Please find below some of the key speeches which are already confirmed:
• The role of the submarine in the contemporary Maritime strategy
• Developments in the submarine market
• How to utilise CRM technology when building a submarine crew
• New ISR and communications capabilities for submarines
• Torpedo defense in fast and regularly updated threats

More topics to be announced soon! Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the first Underwater Conference in Israel!

Capt(N) Ret Eyal Ben Zion
President of the Dolphin Association
On behalf of the organizing committee

about us

The Israeli Navy has been operating submarines for more than 60 years.
Today the navy operates two of the best conventional submarines in the world, the “Dolphin class” and the “Dolphin AIP class”. 

For the first time the issue of submarine technology and the humans inside them will be discussed openly in an Israeli conference.

The Dolphin Association of Israeli Submariners, in collaboration with the Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center, University of Haifa cordially invites you to take part in the 1st annual international conference to be held:

On Tuesday the 14th of September 2022.

The conference, which is the first of its kind in Israel, will deal with issues relating to submarine and underwater warfare.

Topics will include new developments in submarine and anti-submarine warfare, as well as the human factor of submarine operation around the world.

Great Speaker

For the first time, an interesting presentation about submarines in Israel.


A big chance to meet all who are involved in the "submarine" in Israel.

new experience

Come and see submariners talking about the future of submarines

New knowledge

Come and learn about the future of submarines in the 21st century.

Who should attend

The conference is open to members of the international submariner community, as well as naval officers from Israel and abroad, defense journalists, naval defense companies and academics.

Pre-registration is needed, and it is  located in this page lower part.

We thank our strategic partners TKMS and Atlas Electronik and happy to announces about our other sponsors, ELTA, RAFAEL & AXIOMA.

Sponsors and partners