


events & speakers

coffee and registration

Moderator: Adv. Orin Shefler, Senior Research Expert, Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center HMS

Opening words

Capt (r) Eyal Ben Zion president of the Dolphin association
Prof Adm (Ret.) Shaul Chorev, Director of Maritime policy & Strategy Research Center HMS
RAdm. Ariel Shir, Technology, Logistics and Material Command of the Israeli Navy
Dr. Luis-Alejandro Orellano, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems COO

First Session

The Relevance of Submarines in the Eastern Mediterranean at 21 st Century
Chair: Adm (Ret.) Doron Levin
Cdr Menahem, Israeli Navy HQ Israeli Navy and the Middle East – General overview
Prof Adm (Ret.) Shaul Chorev, Director of Maritime policy & Strategy Research Center HMS The role of the submarine in the contemporary Maritime Strategy
Nico Baginski, Head of Program Management, Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Submarines of the 21 st century
Ed. H. Veen, Naval Sales Support Damen Shipyard "Developments in submarine market" – Damen & Saab perspective

coffee break

Session 2

Human Factors in submarines
Chair: Captain (Ret.) Eyal Ben Zion
Captain (N) Asaf, Head of Submarine Department Israeli Navy People always
Lt. Cdr (Ret.) Ora Peled Nakash Changing the paradigm: From a woman onboard to onboarding gender equity in the Israeli Navy
Lt. Col (Ret.) Zachi Laor, CEO CockpitRM Maritime-CRM (Crew Resource Management) in the Israels' Navy's Submarine force

Lunch break and networking

Session 3

Technological innovations
Chair: Adm (Ret.) Oded Gour-Lavie
Mr. Niki Ofir, Axioma Development of TMA (Target Motion Analysis)
Cdr (Ret.) Dor Shlomo, Elta New ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) and Communications capabilities for Submarines
Dr. Jörn Lachmund, Head of Product Management Submarine Systems & Klaus Renken, Head of System Design Submarine Systems, ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Substantial Advances in Sonar Systems for Conventional Submarines

coffee break

Session 4

Advanced ASW & defense systems
Chair: Capt (Ret.) David Hareli
Cdr (Ret.) Giyora Saar, Underwater Business development Manager, RAFAEL Torpedo Defense in fast and regularly updated threats
Cdr (Ret.) Dany Godasevich, Program Director Naval and Maritime at SpearUAV & Col (Ret.) Gadi Kuperman, CEO SpearUAV New dimensions in underwater warfare


Capt (r) Eyal Ben Zion president of the Dolphin association